Have you ever wondered, "How do I convert Bep2 to Bep20?" Now you have an answer:
🏫 TUTORIAL on how to exchange BNB Bep2 for BNB bep20 Smart Chain
Binance.com users are fully able to send BNB over either network, but Binance.US customers are SOL. (Shit Out of Luck!) Those in the USA will have difficulty getting onto Bep20. To begin, you will need Trustwallet. Normally, I do not recommend Trustwallet because of issues with storing ERC-20 tokens. But for swapping BNB Bep2 into BNB Bep20 Binance Smartchain, Trustwallet is a life saver! Download Here: Trustwallet.com
🎥 VIDEO on how to do this:
Make sure to write down your seed phrase and finalize wallet setup. Then follow these steps:
Sending BNB to your Trust wallet
1. To access your wallet, click the bottom left shield icon.
2. Click the yellow and white BNB icon in your wallet.
3. Click "Receive" and copy your BNB address.
4. Go to your sending wallet / exchange and paste into the withdrawal field. Make sure you are using BEP2 only! Using an unmatching chain will result in permanent loss!
5. Hit send! Your coins should show in trust soon. You may have to refresh to see your balance.
Swapping Bep2 to Bep20 Smart Chain.
1. Click the yellow and white BNB icon in your wallet.
2. Click "more" ...
3. Click "Swap to Smart Chain."
4. Click the top icon which should be the yellow and white BNB. (Bep2)
5. Click "100%."
6. Try to swap. You will see an insuficient funds to cover fee message.
7. Memorize the amount you were sending and the amount of the fee. Then open your calculator.
8. Subtract the fee from the amount you were sending. Go back to Trustwallet.
9. Click the back "swap" arrow and enter the resulting amount.
10. Click "Swap" one last time and you will see it can go through!
11. Final step: hit "Send." (Don't worry! You are essentially sending to yourself.)
12. You may have to click the black and yellow BNB icon to refresh you balance.
13. If you do not see the deposit, give it 5 more minutes. It will be there.
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